Tuesday 4 October 2011


The first part of this is about the violin, it's a small high pitched instrument which can be played with a bow or by plucking the individual string, and I've been playing one. The reason I've been playing violin is because they are awesome and since Dana plays violin I asked her to teach me to play(especially since I'm teaching her guitar and bass). They're a pain in the neck missing the frets so it means you have to guess where to put your fingers, luckily there are little dot stickers on her violin which mark out the points to place your fingers. So far the only thing I don't like about violins is how much of a pain they are to tune, it took me most of my break time tuning it, leaving me with about five minutes left to play, long enough for Dana to teach me how to play "My heart will go on" which is simple enough at least. Now I shall have to get myself an electric violin... but for the time being i can just take my brothers acoustic.
The next part is about my graphics work, which was great since our usual teacher was away we had a cover lesson held by the queen of derps (and I think she's ace because we get nothing done with her). this meant I could quickly finish and print out my graphics work which needs handing in in lesson instead of after school. Win.
Finally I had a day with Jazz which naturally went well. Unfortunately I can't think of a way to describe it in an interesting way (for you readers).

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