I was just down the vets with my girlfriend while her 14 year-old dog, Pippa, got put down. I never liked dogs (in particular Doberman Pinschers, but Pippa was a Border Collie), but I was there while she got put down, unlike with Tiga, the 16 year old Tabby who got put down just over two years ago. I loved her, more than I ever loved anything or anyone else, but I wasn't there when she died, I never attended the little funeral my mum held for her, and I never found out she had died until a month afterwards.
Just before Dana and I left the Room where Pippa was, the vet talked about her cat, who she had to put down, I'd absolutely hate to put down my own pet. That short little story of her cat made me sad, because it reminded me of Tiga, the only one who never scolded me when I did wrong, was always there when I wanted comforting, and when I was cold, she would sit on my lap and act as a hot water bottle to warm me up.
I miss Tiga, and I know Dana misses Pip' already...