Friday, 24 August 2012


Yesterday I picked up my GCSE results, and I'm actually happy with them. here they are...
Geography: D
Graphics: C
English Language: C
English Literature: D
GCSE Music: E
Religious Education: G
Mathematics: C
Statistics: D
Science: A
Additional Science: A
BTEC Music: Distinction (A)
I.C.T: Distinction (A)

Those are acceptable I think.

Sunday, 12 August 2012


Well I've just brought a unicycle, seemed like a good idea to me, and it should be arriving on Thursday. I brought it because it seemed like fun, then my brother mentioned that at university they have clubs teaching people how to do circus acts like riding a unicycle, at first I never considered the circus, but it does seen like a fun idea. I'm not paying £9000 a year for uni' though, forget that.
I'm sure that I came up with a few interesting ideas between now and my last post, but I can't remember them and I think I may start playing the double bass again because it was fun. I definitely want to go back to school though, I need something other than computer games running through my head all the time, I can't help it X3 is a good game... so is Skyrim, and so is WoW.